General Inquiries
Events & Reservations
Hours: January and February, we will close Monday- Thursday. Friday 12:30- 6:00 pm. Saturday, 12:30-5:30 and 1-5 pm on Sunday. Other hours by appointment. We may be in the tasting room Friday between 6:00 and 8:00 pm so please visit and join the “Happy Valley Regulars” with music.
It is possible to get to the winery without encountering football traffic.
Tastings are by flights. Reservations are not required for the flights unless you have a group of 6 or more. Reservation for groups helps us anticipate the staffing required.
In door seating is limited so reservations are required to guarantee a table for 1 hour 15 min. Groups that want to stay longer than the allotted time will be required to pay a table fee. Most week days reservations are not required.
Outdoor and patio seating available seasonally and is on a first come basis. There is limited seating undercover.